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how to measure content effectiveness
Sep 13

How to Measure Content Effectiveness

By JNFA10Cs5gHZrlaELABDY0uEh | Uncategorized

How to Measure Content Effectiveness for Remodeling Companies

There is no use at setting up a great content marketing strategy if you don’t know how to measure content effectiveness. As a remodeling company, one of your ultimate goals is to grow your business and not remain stagnant. You may have several marketing strategies already in place to make it happen, but there are times when we need to find some ways to get more low-cost leads and sales. This is where the internet comes in.

Today, the internet is the best and the fastest way to look for a remodeler. If you have a customer looking for your services, they won’t bother to look and dig into a copy of the yellow pages just to look for your information. Instead, they will get their mobile phone and search for the services they need. This is basically why your online presence is very much necessary.

If you have already spent time on your website, have put in efforts in content marketing, and have already engaged in social media marketing, the next step is for you to see how effective content marketing is to grow your sales and your business in general. Just like the rest of your marketing techniques, your remodeling company needs to have the visibility over how much internet marketing contributes to your business. This way, you will also be able to learn which marketing efforts you can focus on.

Here are some helpful steps to measure your content marketing efforts for your remodeling company.

1. Identify your KPI’s.

KPI stands for key performance indicators, and it means that these are going to be the numbers you will measure to check how effective your content is. You need to identify the core KPIs that you want to track. The most common KPIs used in many businesses, and you can also use in your remodeling company are website traffic, page views, blog comments, subscription (email and blog subscriptions), and online and offline sales. These are just a few common ones but if you want to measure your web marketing in other areas, you can just add more items to your KPIs. The most important thing is that these numbers should be able to provide you an insight on how you can improve your content marketing.

Now, if you are also doing social media marketing, you can also identify the metrics that will help you measure your content marketing success; examples of which are the number of shares, retweets, comments, followers, blog mentions, etc.

2. Measure your website metrics and social media metrics.

There are tools that you can use in order to measure your site and social media KPIs. As for your website, you can use Google Analytics. Google Analytics can provide you any valuable information you want to learn about your numbers. It needs to be configured according to the information that you want to see. The good thing about it is that it is free, easy to use, and it already has the complete features. To get started, you will need to create your account under your main Google account; then you can sign in. As soon as you are signed in, you need to go to Admin because that is where you will have to encode the details about your website, especially the URL. If your site has a mobile app counterpart, there is an option to track metrics on both the website and mobile app. Once everything has been set up, Google Analytics can already start gathering data, and you can already begin to view reports. These reports will then give you a bigger picture on how much contribution your content marketing efforts have to your remodeling business.

As for measuring social media metrics, there are also some online tools that can do the job for you; examples are SocialBro, Social Inbox, and HootSuite.

3. Pay attention to what your customers are saying.

The numbers are not the only thing that you should pay close attention to. The qualitative data, in the form of feedback, comments and suggestions can also be used to measure your success in web marketing. For example, if you usually receive more negative feedback than the positive, maybe your next goal should be something that will increase the ratio of positive to negative.

4. Focus on quality and not just quantity.

Your overall content marketing success or failure is not just measured by your conversion rate. Another important thing you need to take a look at is the quality of leads that your website generates. There are times when the number of your leads might be increasing but these are not the right match for your company, and they don’t meet the criteria. It means that you still can’t rely on them for conversion. A qualified lead is someone who is a decision maker and someone who is almost ready to buy your products and services. If you take a look at this area, you can pretty much make some changes or become more strategic and targeted in your content marketing so that you attract the right leads for your remodeling business.

It is always important to measure the success or failure of our marketing efforts regardless of your business industry because it will give you an idea whether the investment you make to market your business translates to results. It will also let you see if any of your marketing strategies helps you achieve your company goals. You don’t just go out there and employ marketing techniques and wait blindly for the outcome. You need to track, monitor and analyze so that you find the right and the best fit for your business needs.
Aug 06

How to Convince Clients Remodeling is Worth Their Money

By JNFA10Cs5gHZrlaELABDY0uEh | Uncategorized

Have you ever had so many inquiries and requests for quotes but when it comes to the final step the client just backs out of the job and you’re left empty-handed? Would you like to know how to turn the prospect into customer and close more sales?

Did you feel like the client has wasted your time and energy only to decide that the job is too pricey for them and that they are ok with their kitchen looking like an old warehouse?

Well of course they will decide that. It is difficult to move on with a project when they are not sure what outcome to expect.

It takes even longer time if your prospective clients can’t find the information they want on your website or through other means of communication so they have to do everything by phone.

And as you know – they will have a lot of questions to ask you.

If you don’t have a way to automatically educate your prospective clients, you are wasting your valuable time.

There are many concerns your clients will have on their journey to deciding whether they should remodel or not. Here are two primary concerns:

  1. What if things don’t turn the way I want them to?
Making a decision to invest in house improvement is a tough decision to make.

Mainly because if the client ends up with a solution he or she hasn’t hoped for, they are left without money they invested and with an even uglier kitchen or bathroom than they started with.

They can only look at the ugly bathroom or dysfunctional kitchen and ruminate over money spent.

And here the keywords are hoped for. This means that even after you’ve done an amazing job remodeling their kitchen or bathroom, they still feel dissatisfied because they imagined it differently.

You did a perfect job – they just wanted something else.

  1. Do I really need a better looking kitchen?
Concern number two when buying anything is: do we really need this?

When people are at a stage where they are deciding whether to go along with a project, they are trying to reason with their emotions. Of course, I want this, but do I need it?

At this stage it is of the utmost importance that you provide your clients with the data on why it is important for them to remodel. This is not only about the way their house will look and feel, but depending on the state their house is at, you need to provide some data why this is important to do.

And these are all general concerns; each person will go into more details and ask endless questions without really moving down your sales funnel.

With a good marketing strategy in place, you can educate your customers to be ready to go from just I’m trying to see how much money it would cost me to I need to do this right now and I cannot wait. And you can do all this without you having to do the talk over and over again.

Here is what and how you will achieve this:

  1. Tell the story the right way.
You are not just selling a new kitchen or bathroom; you are selling a lifestyle that goes with that particular kitchen.

Don’t be shy when it comes to showing your past projects or testimonials from the happy clients. You made their life better; you need to make sure that people see this.

This is what clients want to see and what will reassure them that doing this project is worth their money. They’re thinking: other people are happy because they did a project like this; then I need to do it as well.

  1. Show them how their life will improve.
What are some things that they can’t do now, but they will be able to do if they improved their house conditions?

This is what you need to focus on when telling your story.

  1. Do this while you sleep.
With a good social media marketing strategy in place, you can show the work you’ve done previously to targeted customers who have already shown interest in your business.

Educate prospective clients via email. You can educate prospective clients via email with a series of helpful tips and tricks how they should choose things needed when remodeling parts of their houses.

You can even address their concerns with solutions before they even realized they had any.

It is important that you update content on your website regularly to reflect your recent projects and testimonials from the happy customers.

So next time you feel like you are wasting your time and energy explaining clients they should go along with the project, ask yourself if you had provided them with all the necessary information beforehand.

The best part about this process is that once you have it all set up, it works automatically, and it leaves talking only for the clients that are ready to buy.

Instead of wasting time and energy on those who were just curious how much money it takes for someone to remodel their kitchen, focus on the ones that will bring you money.