Category Archives for "Marketing Plan"

How to Market Construction Company
Nov 30

How to Market Your Construction Company

By JNFA10Cs5gHZrlaELABDY0uEh | Marketing Plan

You’ve probably wondered a million times how to market a construction company.

The heavy competition in the construction industry doesn’t make your job any easier. Most of the time, the only way to make sure that your business remains on solid footing is to continually establish relationships with new potential prospects and convert them to customers. But to do this, you’ll need effective marketing strategies.

However, marketing your company is not a walk in the park. You don’t just roll out any random construction marketing ideas without testing if they will be efficient or not. If you want to know the best ways to get the word out and understand how to market your construction company effectively, read the following points.

1. Focus on experience.

One of the most important things for your new potential customers is the experience your company provided for former customers. This is the reason why you need to leverage the customers that you made happy and satisfied with the services that you delivered. The best way to do this is to interview them and have them share their experience through a video or a testimonial.

The next step is to post those testimonials on your website and on your social media accounts.

Additionally, ask your former customers to give their testimonials on third-party directories and other review sites, this will help you with local SEO for your company.

These feedbacks and reviews are very powerful tools that will help you establish your brand as a reliable company in your industry, and also position yourself as an expert.

If you want to take this even a step further, make sure to respond to reviews as well. This helps customers perceive you as a trusted company.

Positive reviews are also being recognized by search engines because it means that you are providing great services to your customers. Your company is then rewarded by putting your website higher in the search results.

2. Highlight your specialty.

When you are looking for marketing ideas for your construction company, you need to evaluate first what your strengths and weaknesses are, so that you can identify a number of key points which you can highlight in your marketing.

If you need help on how to do it, we’ve made a step-by-step guide that can help you conduct a quick marketing inspection to see what’s working and what’s not. Grab your free copy here.

After you know what is working, it will be much easier for you to use your strengths and improve weaknesses.

You can also find your best project and use this one in advertising your company. Just make sure to stay true to your brand and that you are marketing to the right audience.

3. Use social media.

You may have heard this hundred, if not thousands of times, but yes, your company needs to establish social media presence.

Your goal should always be to expand reach, but also to get your company in front of the same people, so it’s easier for them to convert to leads.

It may sound tedious and time-consuming at first, but make sure you use social media channels where your potential audience is. You don’t have to use them all.

Choose at least one or two social media networks to start with. Think about your target audience, where do you think they spend most of their time? Is it Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or something else? Dig deep.

Your goal here is to be able to build a community within your social channels and engage your audience. If you do this successfully, you have a good chance of converting leads simply by using the social media.

4. Build referrals.

Referrals are one of the most important keys to effectively market your construction company because word of mouth can significantly help in this line of work. It may come as a bit of a challenge to build your referrals but there are ways to maximize this strategy.

If you’ve already worked on getting as many testimonials from previous customers, then you’re on the right track.

You can apply the same strategy here. Encourage your former customers to recommend your services to the new ones, and in return, offer them an incentive, discount or just any form of reward.

You can also bank on the businesses that sell to the same target customers as yours. For example, you can ask your architects, plumbers, and electricians to refer your business if they know anyone who needs your construction services. Just work continuously to solicit referrals from your business peers.

This tip might seem a bit outdated, but actually, people tend to use these a lot. Make sure to always have a business card to give away. This way, you’re making it easier for people to refer your business and give your contact information to their friends and family.

5. Make the most out of your website and optimize it for search.

If you already have a website, make sure that it does not look like it has not been updated for ages.

Your website is a representation of your brand. If you have a poorly designed site, it will be difficult for you to earn the trust of your target audience and establish your brand as a reliable company and an expert in your field.

Even more important than the overall look of your website is to keep it informative and to have name, address and phone number on every page of your website.

However, if nobody is visiting your website then again, this will not work in your favor. You will need to invest your efforts in SEO or search engine optimization. SEO means that you are employing strategies to make sure that your site and its content show up in the top ranks when people search for your services in the search engines.

This is not an easy task, but it’s reachable if you employ the right strategies. Once your website is optimized for search, you can drive more traffic to your website. The great thing about it is that you don’t have to pay to generate more prospective customers.

However, there is a catch. You need to be particular with keywords so that you drive people that are interested in your services. If you’re not familiar with what exactly are keywords, these are the words or phrases that people type when they search for the services or products they are interested in.

Any successful SEO starts with keyword research. Once you have identified the top keywords that your target audience is using, it will be easier for you to create blogs and content around these keywords. And if you don’t know how to do it, you can use tools such as Google Keyword Planner. It is a great place to start to learn how popular the keyword is, or how high the competition for that keyword exists.

6. Build a network with potential clients.

Just like building referrals which basically taps on the word of mouth to market a business, with networking, you are actually doing a similar thing.

However, many business owners find this strategy a bit challenging because they are too busy running their business. To make sure that you are not wasting your time, it is important that you find the right networking events.

There are a few things that you can try for your construction company just like hosting events locally through By doing this, you are not the one who will have to put up the event because you are only sponsoring an event in your town. Use this chance to market your business. You can also join the Chamber of Commerce to be connected to other local businesses in your area.

7. Get listed in a directory.

When a potential client is looking for a constructing company, they will turn to the internet. And sometimes, instead of landing on the websites that they are looking for, they could be directed to directories just like Yelp. So apart from your website and your social media presence, you also need to build your presence in the directories.

However, you also need to be careful because there are some directories that will only waste your time and will ruin your site ranking on Google. Be cautious in choosing your online construction business directory and make sure that it is reliable and that it can help you with your traffic.

Also, to make the most of the directories available for your construction industry, make sure that you abide by the rules and the regulations of your preferred directory. And you must also get all the requirements ready for submission including the business listing titles, business descriptions, business logo, your email address, phone number, social media links and some images that are related to your business. Getting all of these things ready will make the process a lot quicker.

Planning out for the most effective marketing strategies for your construction company may be tedious at first because it requires that you invest plenty of time for a well-thought-out plan. However, as soon as you are able to figure out what works best for your company, it will be easy for you to employ the right marketing campaigns to get the word out about your business. You may just tweak or improve some bits and pieces in your initiatives, but the most important thing is that you don’t stop finding the best ways to effectively market your brand.
Tools to fix marketing remodeling company
Oct 09

How To Fix Your Marketing For Remodeling Company

By JNFA10Cs5gHZrlaELABDY0uEh | Marketing Plan

8 Things That Are Wrong With How You Are Marketing Remodeling Company

Running a remodeling company is not an easy task. And as the owner of the business, you have so much on your plate that your marketing, at times, will have to take a backseat to give way to everything else that you have to take care of. And even if you use the same marketing techniques, it is easy to make mistakes especially when you are not particular about the details of your marketing plan. The good thing is that you can learn from your mistakes and you have the chance to rectify them to make sure that your efforts make the greatest impact to your business.

If you have gone a long way in your marketing, the good news is you don’t have to start from scratch. The important thing is that you have a firm grasp on what you exactly need to do because marketing is more than just presenting and advertising your company and getting more exposure for it.

If you want to achieve good results from marketing your remodeling company, here are some of the mistakes that you need to correct.

1. You don’t have a website.

Despite the transition of many businesses to digital marketing, there are still many companies today who do not have a website yet. If your remodeling company is one of these, you are missing out on a lot. One of the very first places that people go to when looking for the services of construction companies is the internet. And creating a website for your business does not have to cost a lot. You can have your own site set up at a very affordable cost. You can try companies like GoDaddy, Weebly, Wix, and many others.

2. You have a website but you spend only on the design and not the content.

One of the most important things about marketing for remodeling companies is that your remodeling website has a pleasant and attractive design, but that is not enough. People visit your website to look for just one thing – and that is the reason why they should hire you as a remodeling company. So what you need to do is to make your website effective enough to convert potential customers to clients. As to how you can do it, aside from investing in your design, you need to clearly show them what makes you unique and why they should hire you instead of others, and you can make use of your content, blogs, etc. You also need to have the proof through testimonials and customer reviews.

3. You have a very slow response time.

Your response time is crucial for your internet leads. You have to know that a significant percentage of sales go to the companies who are first to respond to their customer’s queries. So if a potential client makes a query to your company whether it be through your website, email or social media accounts, you need to make sure that you have a designated team who will ensure that responses are made immediately. You can’t keep potential customers waiting or they will just go somewhere else.

4. You don’t maximize your social media accounts while marketing remodeling company.

Today, social media channels are widely used by many companies for marketing their brands, and if you have a social media account for your business, it will be best if you maximize its use to reach a wider range of audience and prospects. It is not enough that you post updates on your social profiles. You need to maximize it by leading your audience back to your website. You also need to be responsive and encourage active engagement with your followers. Be proactive in asking them to participate directly by encouraging them to like or share your posts. Also, make sure that the updates you post are provided on a regular and consistent basis.

5. You are too focused on SEO instead of providing valuable content to your audience.

While it is very important to rank on the first page of the Google Search results, this does not guarantee that your website visitors will convert to clients, especially when your website does not have the substance to engage your audience. Driving traffic to your website is only useful if your site has valuable and useful content to offer. So make sure that you write content that will make people want to read. Know your audience well and find out what will interest them, and what they will want to learn from you as a remodeling company. These things are the topics that you should write about.

6. You fail to track results.

Even if you employ effective marketing techniques, they will mean nothing if you do not track the results. This is one of the most common mistakes that many businesses make. If you do not track, you won’t be able to figure out which of the various marketing tactics you have actually worked. It means that you will just end up doing the same things again and spending money for the same things when there are only a few that actually work. In short, your failure to track means that you are throwing your money away. It is also by tracking that you can figure out whether there are things you need to correct. There are online tools that can help you track the results of your marketing efforts; for your website, you can use Google Analytics.

7. You don’t research what your competitors are doing with their marketing.

If you don’t find out what your competitors are doing, you won’t be able to figure out what’s working for them. Keeping tabs on your competitors is not a bad thing. Try to look for the similar businesses that are doing well and figure out what their best practices are. You can even learn from the mistakes they made in the past and how they have recovered. Whatever you can learn can be applied to your own company if you pay close attention to the tactics they have used.

8. You hire the wrong marketing people for marketing remodeling company.

This is a very common mistake especially of the business owners who are too busy to pay attention to marketing their remodeling business. If you think you can just hire any expert, you could be wasting your money, unless the one you are hiring has a complete understanding of what remodeling is and what marketing is. You may just be hiring website builders who don’t even comprehend what your marketing goals are. If you think you need to outsource the job, you need to hire people who really know what marketing is all about and know how to market a construction business specifically.


There could be many other things that you may be doing wrong in marketing remodeling company but these are the few ones that you need to revisit as soon as possible. If your company offers top-notch construction services, you need to market it the way so that people can find you.  
Construction Company Advertising Ideas
Sep 20

Construction Company Advertising: 11 Things You’re Forgetting To Do

By JNFA10Cs5gHZrlaELABDY0uEh | Marketing Plan

Construction Company Advertising: What You Need To Remember

Are you too busy working on your remodeling jobs that you don’t have time to think of any creative construction advertising ideas?

Marketing and advertising your construction business are critical to sustaining the long-term growth of your company. And in the construction industry, there are plenty of opportunities for you to market your business. However, for a growing business like yours, you might find it difficult to find time to build relationships with new and potential clients because everything that’s already on your plate.

Marketing has its unique challenges, but when you know how to play it smart, there are a bunch of ways on how you can effectively reach out to as many potential clients as possible without spending so much time and energy. You may have even encountered these marketing tactics before but just failed to pay attention to them.

Here are some of the construction advertising ideas you may need to revisit to step up your game in marketing your business:

1. Maintaining consistent online presence.

Many of the construction companies today have put up their website to establish an online presence. However, the work does not stop there. If you also have your own site, it is not enough that you have it for the sake of having one. The very purpose of your site is to establish your brand as a construction business. You need to be recognized as a leader in your industry, and you can do it by developing content and posting blogs around your niche. You don’t have to produce a lot of content, but just make sure they are quality articles. To make them more engaging, you can add images and videos, as well. If you think it is a lot of work to do, you can also consider outsourcing the job.

2. Maintaining relationships with email marketing.

Email marketing may also be one more thing that you do not pay a lot of attention to, but this is one of the most useful tools to attract new customers. It is also an excellent way to take care of your relationships with your existing clients. You can continue to send informational and useful articles to your current clients, or the prospects who have already shown interest in your business. Remind them what you can do for them, and you’ll start generating leads in no time.

3. Effectively managing your social media presence.

Like your website, your social media accounts also have to be updated. You need to make sure there is fresh content which is regularly posted. Your social media accounts should also be responsive and active especially when there are potential clients who are trying to reach your construction company. Use these channels to their full potential. Be actively engaged with your followers and use your account to showcase your projects.

4. Partnering with other construction companies.

Having joint projects with other companies in your industry is one great way to market your business, and it does not even cost money. You can get easy access to a new group of potential customers simply by teaming up with another company for a project.

5. Engaging in local community and partner with charities.

There are plenty of charities who are looking for construction companies who can help them materialize their projects like fixing homes or building shelters for those who were affected by disasters or calamities. By participating in these activities, you are not only promoting your business but you are also leaving a good impression about your company.

6. Facebook advertising.

If you have not tried Facebook Ads just yet, now is the best time for you to do it. With Facebook ads, you can target your advertising to a specific set of an audience; you can lead them back to your website; you can generate more leads, and it is customizable and is inexpensive.

7. Soliciting customer feedback and reviews.

Don’t underestimate the power of your customer’s feedback because word of mouth remains to be one of the most effective marketing strategies and it can still work wonders for your construction company too. As a construction business, most of your projects are time-consuming and are expensive. Therefore, customers will want to make sure that they only entrust their needs to those who can do the job well.

8. Donating leftover materials from your previous projects.

You may not have realized it but donating some of your leftover materials can be a way to promote your business. Why? Because you can get more opportunities for public relations, so if you have ordered the materials you can’t use or you have a lot of excesses, instead of removing them, make use of them for a good cause and for advertising your construction company at the same time.

9. Developing a customer referral program.

Like previously mentioned, word of mouth is still a very handy marketing tool, which is why you should also reconsider having customer referral program as a part of your marketing plan. This should be very easy. For every referral of your existing customer, they get freebies or discounted deals with their next project with you. By doing this, your customers will go an extra mile to spread

10. Grabbing every opportunity for networking.

Networking does not necessarily mean you need to hold an event because there are so many simple ways by which you can establish your network and you can do it every day. For example, when you go out for lunch, invite someone who is outside of your company and use this opportunity to talk about what you can give this person as a company; what you can offer them as far as your construction business is concerned.

11. Recording the progress of your projects through images and videos.

While great results can be auspicious for your construction company, it will be useful for your marketing if you record the progress of each of your projects through images and videos. Today, videos recorded using time-lapse especially for a construction project have gone viral, because people get to see the making of a structure. And you can do it, too, and you can have it posted on your website as well as your social media accounts.

Strengthening your marketing plan for your construction company does not have to be costly or time-consuming. There are so many simple things you can do to market your business without you even realizing it. You just have to revisit them and see how you can do them better so you can continue making a difference for your business.
Marketing ideas construction company
Sep 15

5 Marketing Ideas For Your Construction Company

By JNFA10Cs5gHZrlaELABDY0uEh | Marketing Plan

5 Marketing Ideas You Need To Know For Your Construction Company

Looking for marketing ideas for your construction business? In construction companies, you will notice that larger firms are the ones who are more likely to have marketing plans in place, and the smaller ones tend to put marketing aside. However, this is one huge and common mistake that many business owners commit. The truth is that companies and firms of all sizes should have marketing strategies in place to sustain the growth of what they have already started. Whether you have been in the business for years or you are just starting out, the size of your business should not determine whether you are committing to marketing or not. It is a crucial aspect of your business, and there are a plethora of forms and strategies you can deploy to continue to reach your target customers. It is just a matter of trying to figure what works and what does not. To help you out, here is a guide on a marketing strategy that you can follow to bring in more leads and increase your sales for the business.

1. Identify your business goals and perform an analysis.

While we all know that marketing is important because it can ultimately help grow profit for your firm, you should be able to determine the specific goals you want to achieve by employing marketing techniques. Your goals should be measurable, not only by the increase of your profit as a company but by other metrics. For example, by employing a particular technique, you want to see an increase in the number of your leads or the number of projects you receive. You have to be specific about these targets but you can only identify them when you perform an analysis. When you analyze the state of your business, you will be able to see where the opportunities are. Of course, you don’t need to target your marketing efforts towards the aspects of your company where you are already good at. You will need to have solutions to address the challenges and the weak points of your business. That’s where your marketing efforts should be focused.

2. Market your company using social media.

Just like any business right now, your construction company also needs to be on the social media. And it is not enough that you use it, but you need to use it efficiently and manage your social media accounts wisely so that you can engage your target audience. This is also one of the ways by which you can earn their trust and successfully convert them into a lead. Start by identifying your particular set of audience. Then, take time to do some research on the type of social media platform they are using more frequently. You don’t have to spread your online presence too thin on various social media networks. You can focus on two or three platforms where your target audience spends most of their time. However, avoid making the same mistake that other companies do, which is just to create a social media profile but leave it inactive for a long time. You need to be active and respond fast on your social media accounts because your goal is to keep your customers, and your potential customers engaged. Don’t ignore messages, comments, and feedback. Also, think about what they want to know about your construction company. Maybe you can share the latest projects you have finished, or if you are running any new promotion within your company. And if you have a website, you might as well use your social media accounts to share your blogs from your site. At the end of the day, what you want to establish is a community where everyone feels comfortable and excited to be engaged in.

3. Establish a connection with potential clients.

Another marketing idea for a construction company is networking. However, there may be times when you can’t allocate enough time and attention to this because running a business alone is already time-consuming. If you are too busy to host an event, you can sponsor a local event in your community so that you can have more opportunities to network, and at the same time market your business. You can even make this possible with the help of groups in the social media, and a good example is starting a Facebook group, then you can send invitations for local businesses to join. This will make referrals a lot easier.

4. Get your construction company accredited.

One of the best marketing ideas for a construction company is to establish your brand. You need to show yourself as a credible construction company, and the step number one is to go for the accolades. You don’t necessarily need to start big; you can go for the local accrediting companies. You can have these accreditations posted on your website so that you can drive more attention to your business. Aside from that, you have greater chances of getting more clients especially the ones who are very particular with dealing or doing business only with accredited construction companies.

5. Make your construction company easily accessible.

This may sound as a very basic tip but this is still very important. There are times when a potential client is not able to reach your company because they don’t have your updated phone number, or they have sent a message to your Facebook account but nobody has seen it yet. You have to make sure that all of your avenues for communication are accessible and that you check them frequently and regularly. Your fast response time translates to happy and satisfied customers. Finding the best marketing ideas for your construction company does not have to be tedious, difficult or time-consuming. But with the right strategies and correct implementation, these marketing techniques can take your business to greater heights than you ever imagined. All you need is a well thought out plan and proper execution.
Marketing plan
Sep 14

Why You Need Marketing Plan for Remodeling Companies

By JNFA10Cs5gHZrlaELABDY0uEh | Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan For Remodeling Companies

Running a remodeling company is a tough business, especially today when the competition is only getting more difficult. Finding the time and employing strategies to hunt and convert prospects is becoming tougher by the day. This is the reason why businesses, including remodeling companies, need to have a good marketing plan in place. A marketing plan is what you need if your goal is to take your business to a whole new level. Your marketing plan is the outline of the strategies and tactics you will implement in a given period. Its goal is to provide your business a direction so that you can reach the objectives you have set for your business. Your marketing plan for your remodeling company will not have to stay as a static document. You may need to make some changes along the way, especially when your business begins to evolve and grow. The importance of a good and comprehensive marketing plan cannot be emphasized any further. Without marketing, your potential customers and clients have no way of learning about you, so how will they buy your products and services? Your business will not continue to make money and earn a profit.

Here are some of the reasons why your remodeling company needs a marketing plan.

It is easier to reach your target market.

Once you’ve established your marketing plan, you have already identified who your ideal clients are, so it will be easier for you to reach them.

You have the visibility over the actual state of your business.

Your marketing plan will also allow you to see where your business currently stands. You are not going to be blinded to the reality about the status of your company. This way, you will be able to make immediate business decisions if the company is in a bad state.

It clearly defines your goals and objectives.

Any business needs to have a well-defined set of goals and objectives. No business will ever succeed without a direction. With a marketing plan in place for your remodeling company, you will be able to outline what you really want to achieve for your business. You will be able to identify how your short term goals will help you get to your long term goals.

It helps you focus.

There are so many marketing techniques and strategies available for you to utilize, but not all of them can work for your remodeling business. Your marketing plan will help you stay focused on the specific action items you need to execute to achieve your goals. And if some steps do not work, you can always make changes to your plan until you can determine the best course of action for your business.

So how do you develop an effective marketing plan?

Developing a good marketing plan for your remodeling business is crucial to your success. Do not confuse marketing and advertising because advertising is just a piece of a marketing plan. To help you get started, here are some tips and tricks to understand what you need to reach your target market.

1. Examine the details about the current state of your business.

When it comes to the products and services your remodeling company offers, you need to identify what is generating more sales, and what are the challenges. Looking at the overall status of the company, are you achieving your goals, or are you currently experiencing issues when it comes to attracting more clients and customers?

2. Identify your marketing goal and objectives.

You may have already set a goal for your remodeling business, but you also need to know what you expect to get from your marketing plan. What do you want to achieve? Do you want to increase the number of leads? Or do you want to work on your brand awareness? This is important so that you know which tactics to implement so you can approach your goal more easily.

3. Identify your target market.

You need to be very specific about the market you are trying to reach because sometimes, it does not make sense to generate so many leads who are not even qualified because they don’t need or they can’t afford your products and services. Knowing your audience can help you create messages and place them where your target audience can see them.

4. Determine the marketing tactics you will implement to reach your goals.

To complete your marketing plan, you need to select the marketing strategies you will put in place based on the factors previously mentioned including your target audience and goals. After planning your course of action, you will need to track and monitor the results so that you can see if there is a need for you to change these tactics or if these tactics are useful and are going to sustain your business until you finally achieve your long term goals. Many business owners make the mistake of putting marketing aside, and as a remodeling company, you should know that marketing is one of the core areas of business that you need to invest time and energy into. Establishing your plans for your business is imperative to ensure continued growth for your company in the years to come.