Category Archives for "Email Marketing"

Nurture Prospects
Oct 18

How to Use Email Marketing to Nurture Prospects For Your Remodeling Company

By JNFA10Cs5gHZrlaELABDY0uEh | Email Marketing

Lead generation and conversions are one of the top priorities of many companies, and that includes construction companies. For businesses, leads are typically defined as the people who sign up a form on the website, download a material or attend a free webinar. But the lead generation process does not stop here. These leads will have to be nurtured so that they can be converted to sales. In marketing, the lead nurturing process is important. It ensures that potential buyers are engaged and that relationships are developed through every step of the buyer’s journey in the sales funnel. Now the next question is how to make sure that your remodeling company engages with the leads at various stages of the buying cycle? There are actually plenty of ways to nurture leads for businesses, thanks to the internet. There is the website, social media, blogging and so on, but email marketing remains to be one of the most effective ways to move leads efficiently to the sales funnel. If you are already doing email marketing but you don’t see visible results, here are some helpful ways to use and maximize email marketing to nurture your potential clients.

1. Group your leads accordingly.

When you do grouping or segmentation of your leads, you group them according to their demographic information, browsing activity, and history of the transaction with your remodeling company. By doing this, it will be easier for you to create customer personas, assign them to the categories they belong to and you can customize your email according to each category. Now it will also be easier for you to figure out what content will be relevant for each group. You can also track the time when your leads or potential customers usually send emails to your construction company. This will tell you the best time to send them marketing emails as well. The important thing is that you need to cater to your prospects according to their needs and convenience, and you can do this if you take time to get all these information ready.

2. Create relevant and compelling content.

This could be the most challenging step in email marketing but it can also be the most effective. If you want your email content to be targeted and to be relevant to your prospects, you need to conduct some research to get some important questions answered. For example, you need to find out why your people are visiting your remodeling website? What information are they looking for? Are most of them checking for remodeling projects? What kind of construction services do you get the most queries? These are just a few questions that you need to ask to make sure that you get a complete understanding of your customer’s needs. Once you have identified your prospects’ needs, you can personalize your email in such a way that it will lead your customers to the specific pages in your website where they can find what they are looking for and where they can get their queries addressed.

3. Make your emails educational.

You can improve your email marketing by making sure that your emails are educational. In your campaigns, you might want to focus on how your construction company can help. For example, you may want to tell them how this particular service of yours can help them achieve the look they want for their living room or how you can make some upgrades in their homes to make their living conditions more comfortable and convenient. When you make your content educational, you are letting your leads know that you are the expert in your industry. You are giving them more reasons why they should not bring the business somewhere else. You are earning their trust and establishing your credibility. It will take a lot of effort and time before you can establish yourself as someone that people can depend on, but if you invest in this type of email marketing, you will get there eventually. When you make your content educational, you are letting your leads know that you are the expert in your industry. You are giving them more reasons why they should not bring the business somewhere else. You are earning their trust and establishing your credibility. It will take a lot of effort and time before you can establish yourself as someone that people can depend on, but if you invest in this type of email marketing, you will get there eventually.

4. Aim to establish a connection.

Because you are using email marketing for lead nurturing, one of your main focus is establishing the connection with your prospects. This means that you have to give them more options to connect and reach out to you. Aside from email, get closer to your customers by maximizing other channels such as your social media, websites, newsletters, and others. Also, encourage open dialogue and meaningful conversations through your emails because people will appreciate it more when they feel the human side of a brand.

5. Give your prospects something relevant and valuable.

Your email campaigns should be more than just product offers. You need to give them what they want, especially when they start showing interest in your remodeling company’s services. Take time to find out the things that engaged them and send them more content that will be relevant and useful for them. When this continues, you are further earning their trust and gradually leading them towards hiring you as a construction company for their remodeling needs.

6. Help make their lives better.

As you work on lead nurturing, one of your goals should include helping your customers improve their lives. How? By creating content that is practical and useful for everyday lives. For example, you create content about DIY projects that they can do in their own yard or kitchen, or anything to improve their homes. These things are not only limited to your website but they can also be shared to your prospects through emails. Email marketing is not new but it has proven itself to be one of the most effective tools in generating and nurturing leads over the years. And that is why you should not hesitate and you should not be afraid to increase your email marketing efforts. If you pay close attention to this strategy and make sure that you do it right, you will eventually see the results when you see your company’s ROI.
Email marketing for remodeling company
Oct 11

How Remodelers Can Benefit From Email Marketing

By JNFA10Cs5gHZrlaELABDY0uEh | Email Marketing

How Your Remodeling Company Can Benefit From Email Marketing Campaign

With your own website and an online presence on various social media platforms, are you wondering why your remodeling company still needs to invest in email marketing? Your site and social media are useful digital marketing tools but email is also one of the most useful. Statistics show that 44 percent of those who receive an email from businesses make at least one purchase in a year. This is one of the reasons why many companies today invest into their email marketing campaign; not only because it is effective, but it is also cost-efficient.

There are a number of benefits that your remodeling business can get from email marketing. It is not something that you can just overlook because it remains to be one of the important revenue channels for many companies across the globe. And if you are not convinced yet, here are some ways on how it can improve your ROI and take your company to the next level.

1. Increase revenue with email marketing.

With email marketing, you can easily increase revenue for your remodeling business! This is because email marketing serves the purpose of nurturing prospects that have already shown interest in your company. By providing their information using the form on your website, they have become a part of your email list. This means they are already interested in finding out more about what your company can do for them.

Prospects at this stage of the buying cycle are more likely to convert. When they decide that it is the time to remodel their kitchen or bathroom, they will be calling you for help!

In order to make sure that they can easily contact you once they’re ready to move further with remodeling project is include a link to the contact form in your emails. The best place is P.S. in the email letting them know that if they’re interested in finding out how much the remodeling project can cost they can get a free estimate. Or simply, add a link to your website in your signature.

2. Generate more traffic with email marketing.

Why not create newsletters that you can use in your email marketing campaigns and send them out to your subscription list? You can send out these weekly with all of the relevant content that you publish that week.

And since you’re already driving some traffic to your website, you have to make sure that people can easily convert to customers once they’re there. Again, you can achieve this if you include a clear call to action at the bottom of your blog post.

Let them know that they can contact you at any time or request a free estimate of their next remodeling project!

3. Use email marketing to encourage sharing content on social media.

Word of mouth remains to be one of the most useful marketing strategies for almost all types of businesses in the world, and you should always give your prospects useful information that they can share to their social circles.

Remind them that they can tweet the link to your blog post, or share it with their Facebook friend. Don’t be shy about reminding your prospects what you would like them to do for you.

There are endless possibilities and all you have to do is to maximize them in your email marketing and make sure that it does not sound as if you are only trying to make a sale.

When other users share your products and services on social media, it means that you are also spreading the word about your company quickly and efficiently. It is also through email marketing that even your former clients can continue to share your blogs and content on their social media pages. Just make sure you offer them your best blog posts. As a result, new people will be heading to check your website and it means additional potential clients and that equals to added revenue.

4. Connect with your target audience 24/7.

Investing in email marketing and marketing automation tools is also very convenient for your remodeling business because it allows you to connect with your target audience 24/7, without sending any of the individual emails by yourself.

All you have to do is to establish a campaign inside the tool of your choice, and it will send out personalized emails for you that will nurture your potential customers while you sleep.

According to some research, people are more likely to get back and read again their emails than any other means of communication. You will stay in their inbox reminding them to contact you as soon as they need your services.

5. Establish credibility with email marketing.

So now you now that you have to include links, content and other sources in your email marketing campaigns such as well as a clear call to action. Your goal here is to attract your readers and give them something that they will find relevant, useful and informative. It is not smart to have several links that will just lead them to your contact form.

So when you do link, make sure that you link to blogs that will capture the interest of your readers. For example, lead them to a DIY blog or your website page that shows the before and after photos of one of your best remodeling project. The bottom line is, you need to give them a reason why their time spent on your newsletter as well as your website is all worth it. More importantly, you need to give them a reason why getting the services of your remodeling company, and not anybody else’s, is a decision they should make.

In your email marketing strategy, the most important thing you need to bear in mind is that you show them that you are committed to helping them as consumers instead of overly promoting your business. Your emails should be focused on providing them something valuable and something that they will appreciate.

And if you want your previous, existing or potential customers to consider hiring you the next time they need their master suite remodeled or when they have a custom remodeling project done, you have to have an email marketing strategy set up right from the start. It does take time, but it’s worth your investment.