By JNFA10Cs5gHZrlaELABDY0uEh | Marketing Strategy
In order to grow remodeling business, you need to make sure you’re using up-to-date tactics and techniques. Marketing and generating leads have never been the same since the birth of digital marketing.
Now, there has been a dramatic change even for remodeling businesses which used to utilize traditional marketing strategies to advertise their business.
Those who are within the remodeling industry felt the need to immerse into the world of online marketing. However, this does not mean that offline marketing techniques are dead. It is just that there are now additional and fresh options that remodelers can employ in order to generate more leads for up their business.
Generating leads is not that easy. You don’t just go after any type of customer. You need to look for the customers who can fit into your way of doing business; you need the ones who can afford to pay you in such a way that you will be able to generate income for your business.
If you would like to effectively generate leads and take your remodeling business to the next level, you may need to embrace both offline and online marketing as part of your solution. Here are some helpful ideas to get you started.
- Start by building your brand
In order to attract new leads, you need to be able to stand out in the market. You need to be a company that is known as an expert in your industry and this is the kind of image that you need to work on.
By being able to work on your branding, you will also be able to get where you exactly want to be and attract the kind of the customer you want to attract. And when it comes to remodeling business, your brand is what’s going to attract potential clients not just for your services, but for an experience that they will be more than willing to pay for.
When working on your branding, the very first thing you need to decide is what you want to be known for. It is like thinking of your company as a person because you are creating a personality for your business. This is then what you base your logo on.
And once you have already figured out your brand, and created your logo, it’s time to use it on your materials and website. You can also use other channels to increase the exposure of your brand. More importantly, make sure that your company reflects the goals and the concept behind your brand.
- Identify your target customers
Your marketing methods, tools, and materials are not going to be of help if you fail to adequately define your target customers. Targeting your lead generation efforts to the right people will help translate it to better results.
Targeting your market simply means that you need to define who your primary customers are going to be. And then you need to determine if this market is large enough to be able to sustain your business consistently.
- Spend time for offline leads generation
The traditional methods of marketing your business can still be effective to attract more leads if they are done correctly. Examples are phone calls. Of course, you can still keep in touch with your former customers and maintain your relationship with your existing customers through phone calls. While you may not have to do it very often, you may at least get in touch with them once or twice a year to let them know that you are willing and available to extend help shall they have any needs when it comes to construction.
You can also still leverage on the yellow pages or the phone book. Placing a listing on the phone book could still actually help because even if most people would go to the internet to do their online search, there are still a lot who still have the habit of checking contact information in the phone book.
- Maintain a blog
When it comes to online marketing, there are several options that you can explore and put in place in order to generate more leads for your business, and one of them is blogging. Even if you don’t consider yourself as a writer, blogging can significantly help in driving more traffic to your website. There are certain construction companies who have been able to double or triple their website traffic by just adding a blog on their site.
When it comes to blogging, you need to bear in mind that you must create something that your audience will find interesting, useful and valuable. Your topics can be anything related to construction industry. More importantly, it should be well-written, original and published on a regular basis. Also, don’t forget to share it on several social media platforms.
- Make your website mobile friendly
Aside from having a website, the next thing you need to make sure of is that your website is also mobile friendly. Otherwise, you might not be able to get better rankings in the search results in Google. This step is important because people nowadays do not just access the internet through laptops and personal computers. In fact, among the millions and billions of internet users, a significant percentage go online by accessing the internet through smartphones and tablets only.
Also, your website should contain all the important information that your customers might be looking for about your company. However, it does not have to be complicated. Basically, they need to be able to find contact information on your homepage, like your phone number and email address.
- Gather information on all your lead and previous client contacts
It will help if you create a database that contains all the information of your lead and past customer contacts so that you can do follow-up calls or emails to them.
There is a good chance that this can still lead to new projects so it is worth a try. Profile the information on your database based on how pertinent they are, and make it a point to develop a process by which this information will be gathered on a regular basis and establish a schedule for follow-ups.
- Leverage on e-newsletters
Another excellent way for you to promote your company is by sending email newsletters periodically. This will help you establish the kind of brand that will tell people that your company is a thought leader and is a provider of the solution. What you can have included in your newsletter are some links to articles related to your industry. You can also send them your whitepaper or a chosen blog posts. And don’t forget to place a call to action to sign up or subscribe to a special deal.
- Maximize the use of social media
Today, one of the most effective means for companies to promote their business and to increase their exposure is the social media. In order to be effective, you need to make sure that you are doing it right, and by doing right means that you have to be very active and responsive to the comments, tweets, and personal messages on the social media. The information you post must also be very interesting and catchy. You know what works now on the social media. It should be something that can be potentially trending.
Just like your blog, the information you post should be something that your audience will find valuable and useful. Aside from that, you always have to include the most important information that your customers should know. You can also keep your posts interesting by incorporating images and videos. And more importantly, these social media accounts should be regularly and consistently maintained if you want to achieve your ultimate goal.
- Make good use of your customer testimonials
Your customer testimonials are a great way to show your audience about the great work that you have done in the past. And these are not just some things that you claim to have done because your customers have spoken. A study has shown how customer testimonials can significantly increase traffic to a website, so why not try this strategy.
- Always consider SEO
If you think that SEO or
search engine optimization does not apply to your construction business, then it’s time for you to know that it does. SEO is simply a method by which websites are optimized so that they can reach better rankings in the results in the search engine. Today, no matter how beautifully your content is created, your efforts will be useless if SEO is not applied on your articles and blogs.
The algorithms used by the search engines only look at certain criteria to determine your ranking in the search results. Now if this is applied to your site, you have better chances of attracting more traffic to your website because you appear in the top search results when users look for keywords on their search bar.
However, if you are not yet familiar with the SEO, it is time for you to learn about it because it can do wonders for your site, and for your business as a whole.